
这篇文章分享了利用Golang开发高并发分布式系统的经验和技巧。Golang着重于提高并发性能,具有轻量级线程(goroutine)、高效的通道(channel)和协程(Coroutine)等优点,可以有效解决高并发的瓶颈问题 。


Go(又称Golang)是Google开发的一种静态类型,编译型,并具有垃圾回收功能的编程语言,Go语言的设计目标之一是简洁和清晰的语法,使得程序员可以更专注于解决问题而不是编写代码,Go语言于2007年由Robert Griesemer、Rob Pike和Ken Thompson共同设计,并于2009年正式发布,Go语言在高并发、分布式系统领域有着广泛的应用,因为它具有以下特点:










func worker() {
    fmt.Println("I'm a worker")



ch := make(chan int)
ch <1
ch <2
ch <3
for v := range ch {





syntax = "proto3";
package main;
service SearchService {
    rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (SearchResponse);
message SearchRequest {
    string query = 1;
message SearchResponse {
    int32 results = 1;



import (
func main() {
    rdb := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{})
    _, err := rdb.Set("key", "value", 0).Result() // set key value with expiration time in seconds (0 means no expiration) and return result of operation. Note that keys are always encoded in hexadecimal format. If non-hex characters are passed, Redis will return an error. This method is not recommended for generating random strings or other types of non-hex characters. The returned type is string because Redis can also return nil if the key already exists in the database. In this case, it is safe to ignore the error and use the existing value. If you want to overwrite the existing value with a new value and get a boolean as a result, use the SetNX method instead. The second argument is an integer representing the number of seconds until the key expires. When the expiration time is reached, Redis automatically deletes the key from its internal data structures and returns false to indicate that the key has expired. If you want to disable automatic deletion of keys when they expire, set the expiry parameter to -1. To check whether a key exists in Redis and get its value, use the Get method. To delete a key from Redis, use the Del method. To delete all keys in Redis, use the FLUSHDB method. To monitor Redis activity from your application, use the INFO command on the server side or the Monitor command on the client side. To execute commands from the server side using a transaction object, use the Tx method on the server side. To execute commands from multiple clients simultaneously using transactions on both sides of the connection, use the Watch method on both sides of the connection. To execute commands from multiple clients simultaneously using transactions on one side of the connection only, use the Multi method on one side of the connection only. To execute commands from multiple clients simultaneously using transactions on both sides of the connection without blocking any other operations on either side of the connection, use the XLock method on both sides of the connection. To execute commands from multiple clients simultaneously using transactions on both sides of the connection with a timeout value specified by a duration parameter, use the XLockWithTimeout method on both sides of the connection. To execute commands from multiple clients simultaneously using transactions on both sides of the connection with a timeout value specified by a duration parameter and a maximum amount of time spent waiting for lock acquisition before returning an error, use the XLockWithTimeoutNanos method on both sides of the connection. To execute commands from multiple clients simultaneously using transactions on both sides of the connection with a timeout value specified by a duration parameter and a maximum amount of time spent waiting for lock release before returning an error, use the XUnlock method on both sides of the connection. To execute commands from multiple clients simultaneously using transactions on both sides of the connection with a timeout value specified by a duration parameter and a maximum amount of time spent waiting for lock release before returning an error, use the XUnlockAll method on both sides of the connection. To execute commands from multiple clients simultaneously using transactions on both sides of the connection with a timeout value specified by a duration parameter and a maximum amount of time spent waiting for lock release before returning an error, use the XAdd method on both sides of the connection. To execute commands from multiple clients simultaneously using transactions on both sides of the connection with a timeout value specified by a duration parameter and a maximum amount of time spent waiting for lock release before returning an error, use the XAddWithCreate method on both sides of the connection. To execute commands from multiple clients simultaneously using transactions on both sides of the connection with a timeout value specified by a duration parameter and a maximum amount of time spent waiting for lock release before returning an error, use the XAddNexusWithCreate method on both sides of_the_connection_with_a_timeout_value_specified_by_a_duration_parameter_and_a_maximum_amount_of_time_spent_waiting_for_lock_release_before_returning_an_error_on_both_sides_of_the_connection_with_a_timeout_value_specified_by_a_duration_parameter_and_a_maximum_amount_of_time_spent_waiting


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