





sudo aptget update
sudo aptget install ansible



选项 默认值 描述
remote_user root 远程主机上的用户
inventory /etc/ansible/hosts 主机清单文件
forks 5 SSH连接数
poll_interval 15 SSH连接超时时间(秒)



192、168.1.10 ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=your_password
192、168.1.11 ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=your_password




name: Install Nginx on webservers
  hosts: webservers
  become: yes
    name: Update package list
      apt: update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600
    name: Install Nginx
      apt: name=nginx state=present



ansibleplaybook i hosts deploy_nginx.yml askbecomepass




sudo yum install epelrelease
sudo yum install ansible




forks = 10



192、168.1.10 ansible_user=user1 ansible_password=password1 ansible_port=2222 ansible_connection=local
192、168.1.11 ansible_user=user2 ansible_password=password2 ansible_port=2222 ansible_connection=local



name: Install Nginx on webservers if not installed already
  hosts: webservers
  become: yes
    name: Check if Nginx is installed and running
      command: systemctl status nginx nopager plainoutput || exit 0; echo "Nginx is not installed." && exit 1; echo "Nginx is installed." && exit 0; echo "Nginx is running." && exit 0; echo "Nginx is not running." && exit 1; register: check_nginx_status_result # register the result of the command execution to a variable called 'check_nginx_status_result' so we can use it later in the playbook, and store the output in 'stdout' file(default) or redirect it to 'stderr' file by adding 'stderr' after 'stdout' like this 'stdout': or 'stdout':'stderr' depending on your needs, and also add 'ignore_errors: true' if you want to ignore any errors that might occur during the execution of the command (optional) and finally add 'changed_when: false' to prevent Ansible from changing the status of the task to changed even if the command fails (optional) because we are not interested in the actual output of the command, just its return code which tells us whether Nginx is installed or not, and whether it is running or not. # Note: You can replace the above command with any other command that suits your needs as long as it returns a nonzero exit code when Nginx is not installed or running, and a zero exit code when it is installed and running. # Note: The above command assumes that you have installed Nginx using apt package manager, if you have installed it using a different package manager such as yum or dnf, then you should replace 'systemctl status nginx' with the appropriate command for your package manager, for example, 'rpm qa | grep nginx' if you are using yum or 'dnf list installed | grep nginx' if you are using dnf. # Note: If you are running multiple instances of Nginx on your servers, then you should modify the above command to check for all instances of Nginx instead of just one instance, for example, you can use 'systemctl status nginx all' instead of 'systemctl status nginx', or you can use 'ps ef | grep nginx' instead of 'rpm qa | grep nginx', depending on your needs and preferences. # Note: If you want to run the above command in a specific directory instead of the current directory where the playbook is executed, then you can use the 'chdir' module to change the working directory before running the command, for example: chdir: path/to/your/directory before check_nginx_status_result task # Note: If you want to run the above command with elevated privileges (root), then you can add 'become: yes' at the beginning of your playbook, or you can use the 'become' module to elevate privileges for a specific task, for example: become: yes before check_nginx_status_result task # If Nginx is not installed or running, then install it using apt package manager and start it automatically on boot time by adding it to the default services list using systemd unit files, otherwise do nothing if Nginx is already installed and running properly. tasks: name: Install Nginx if not installed already blockinfile: path: /etc/systemd/system/multiuser.target.wants/nginx.service state: present content: |{{ check_nginx_status_result }} |+ systemctl enable nginx && systemctl start nginx || true name: Start Nginx if not started already systemd: name=nginx state=started enabled=yes daemon_reload=yes when: check_nginx_status_result.stdout == "Nginx is installed." && check_nginx_status_result.stdout == "Nginx is running." when


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